Mobile Car Detailing NJ Website Redesign
houseKen Sep 16, 2024

Mobile Car Detailing NJ Website Redesign

Original Website Rating: 1/5 ★☆☆☆☆

Our latest case study is a website redesign project for a mobile car detailing business in the South Jersey area.

This client had created their own website using GoDaddy's website builder, and while their business itself was doing great, their website had some major issues that had to be solved.

1. The Bad and the Ugly - Domain

no favicon and using .godaddysites in domain

This owner was actually using a godaddysites domain as he was using GoDaddy for his website builder. Yes, you heard it right, his live main website domain was using

A bit of a smaller issue, but he also didn't have a favicon. These little things add up as your website is customer facing and helps your customers trust you. You are not going to generate any leads if a customer doesn't think you're the right person for the job, and a beautiful modern website is the way to do that.

2. The Bad and the Ugly - Landing Page

mobile car website design issue

There were MAJOR issues with the landing page. His business was doing fine, because of word of mouth, referrals, and facebook, but he was missing out on a huge amount of organic customers, because he just didn't care much about his website. The main hero video was just a video of some people eating soup and bread at a restaurant. For his mobile detailing business. Would you expect to visit a mobile car detailing website and be greeted with information about a restaurant? I didn't think so. He also had spelling mistakes which not only look unprofessional, but hurt search engine ranking for certain keywords. For example, "he had moble detailing car was auto detailing" where he mispelled mobile. That was also a lot of keyword stuffing. Google does NOT like that whatsoever. His overall page was also just very bland, which may be fine in some businesses, but each brand and business should really try to cater to their audience and the type of customer who is looking for mobile car detailing are looking for a professional, clean, modern website.

3. The Bad and the Ugly - Reviews

mobile car website design issue

Another easy to solve problem on his website was his lack of reviews. He actually had a great number of reviews on his Facebook, but he never got them put onto his website. How are his customers going to trust him with no reviews?

4. The Bad and the Ugly - Services

mobile car website design issue

Once again, no attention to detail or care about his services page. Spelling mistakes, way too long of descriptions, and to be honest, it just looks extremely rushed and unprofessional.

5. The Bad and the Ugly - Misc

mobile car website design issue

Poking around the site more, you found pre-made templated components that have just not been removed or thought out either. For example, I found this un-filled component with text that should have been replaced.

6. The Bad and the Ugly - Google My Business

Another issue is that he did not have a Google My Business for his business. GMB is extremely important as a local service provider. I have clients where even 50% of their leads and clients come from their Google My Business profile. Optimizing the GMB is a massive ROI win.

How Did We Redesign His Website?

mobile car website redesign

To being, we gave him a favicon. Great. Small wins add up! Additionally, we purchased a location specific domain on his behalf that has his location + mobile detail in the domain name. This will help massively with initial SEO.

mobile car website redesign

The landing page is the most important part of your website. Within the first few seconds, a customer will either click away from your website, or if we do it right, they will be intrigued and want to learn more about your business service offering, or better yet, know that they want to work with you immediately. We now have his reviews and social proof right on his main hero which lets other visitors know that he does a great job and he is trusted. We also now immediately let the visitor know what he does best, and that is restoring their car back to it's original condition (or close to it!). We also have a Schedule Now button that is displayed right near the social proof for easy access to the visitor in case they are ready to begin.

mobile car website redesign

The services are much simpler. This is the landing page afterall. If the visitor wants more information, they can click into the service and be greeted with a more detailed page.

mobile car website redesign

Just like this.

mobile car website redesign

We'll also want to display his work.

mobile car website redesign

And of course, we have a call to action with a form setup on every single page on this website, so it doesn't matter if they are on a blog page or a service page or the landing page, they will always be able to become a lead.

mobile car website redesign

We also added a reviews page with a really cool infinite scroll technique where the reviews fly in as the visitor scrolls.

And of course we built him a blog and setup Decap CMS so that he can post his own articles anytime he wants. He did get the foundation package that we offer, which means he is on his own for creating blog posts, but I did give him a quick knowledge bomb of information on how blogs can help your search engine results.

That's a car wrap!

How did we do? Let us know!
